Musicians Need To Think Smarter : Musician Marketing Mindset & Developing Good Habits. Musicians Need To Think Smarter! The Musician Marketing Mindset Just some food for thought, this is something that I noticed recently and I wanted to share with my audience. More info below 👇👇👇 🎹 My Blog 👉: Sub My Channel: 💻 Start A Free Website With One | Aff Link | Video Description Hi There It's Dan From The Corporatethief Beats In this video I just give brief musician marketing mindset video where I noticed that I got a lot of emails from music marketing blogs and music promotion sites talking about News Years resolutions. It’s a New Year… and I know lots of musicians have new years resolutions for 2017. Big plans, big goals, and big dreams. And that’s pretty natural - as musicians, rappers, singers & beat makers we’re always pushing the envelope and looking to create more music. We have to be optimistic about our creation process because we put out our work out there for everyone to judge. You know what’s not so common, though? Doing the small things that actually pull you towardsthose goals and plans… I'm not the biggest fan of setting a new years resolution. I do have goals that I want to achieve to keep my focus and structure. But I don't let the bigger plan get so overwhelming. I prefer to focus on Good Habits that help me take every day by day. One my favorite habits in the morning is to listen to some of the best work I have created. I stand back and I think. I created that! If I can create something like that once, I can do it again and this time, maybe even better. This small good habit set's me up for a good day. Without a good music marketing mindset I just can't create anything. That's why these little habits join together to form my goal. Even when it comes to the music creation process, and I feel a writer's block coming along, my Good Habit then is to watch other producers making beats or famous rappers in the studio. Video's like Timbaland and Jay Z in the studio where Timbaland tell Jay Z "He's the best there is". Video Here These small Good habits give me more motivation and less overwhelm than a new years resolution. Maybe as musicians, we need to focus on the here and now and think smarter with finding good habits to help achieve our goals. Don't forget to subscribe and get the free stuff @ 4:43 in the video Resources For Artists How To Promote Your Music On Twitter 💻 My Twitter Course 👉 : 📩 Email Marketing For Musicians Course: Start A Website Course: Tool I use To Build My Following On Twitter: 🔧 Get Socialquant Aff link👉 : 🎹 Beat Site 👉: Video Link The Corporatethief Beats
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Musicians Need To Think Smarter : Musician Marketing Mindset & Developing Good Habits.
Musicians Need To Think Smarter : Musician Marketing Mindset & Developing Good Habits. rap
Musicians Need To Think Smarter : Musician Marketing Mindset & Developing Good Habits. rap