Making A Juicy J Type Beat Logic Pro X Tutorial 2017 Making A Juicy J Type Beat Logic Pro X Tutorial 2017 🎹 Beat Site 👉: 🔈 Drums Used: Beat Making Video Description This latest beat making tutorial in logic pro x is that of how to create a juicy j type beat. I really like the trap style beats that juicy j raps over. Like that Katy Perry feature Juicy J Dark Horse Instrumental, which really inspired me to make this beat above. The beat is 140 BPM with some simple trap instrumental tricks. The intro starts at 1:30. You can hear that it has a dark and seedy opening to the beat. Juicy J's beats tend to be dark and seedy alot. I create the 808 bassline at 2:50 using some samples that I have built up over time and added them to the esx sampler in logic to make sure that I can control the drums. At 3:47 you can hear the basic bell-like melody. Most of the time the melodies are copied for other instruments too. Just give variation in the song. These are super basic melodies , as trap instrumentals tend to have very basic melodies and the more complicated work comes with the drums and the arrangement of the song. The dark pad sound at 5:14 is what set the mood for the beat but also covers up the quietness of the instrumental. It kind of acts like a blanket for the beat. Bly blending a lot of pad sounds to get you create your own signature pad sounds that can be used for other beats in the future. You can hear the combined pad sounds here in my logic pro tutorial 9:40. 13:48 here I show you some sound effects that I tend to add in my trap music beats. Just to give the listener the effect that the song is heading into the chorus or hook of the beat. Listen to the comparisons between Katy Perry and Juicy j's Dark horse instrumental and you can hear the trap instrumental elements that I have based my beat off. The main Drum section comes in here at 17:04 which complete the whole beat. If you want to get the same drums that I use in my beat check out the producers choice drums here 🔈 Drums Used: How To Promote Your Beats On Twitter 💻 My Twitter Course 👉 : Tool I use To Build My Following On Twitter: 🔧 Get Socialquant {Aff link}👉 : 🎹 Beat Site 👉: Video Links #juicyj #beatmaking The Corporatethief Beats